yinji media is committed to the dissemination of fresh and timely design information and the promotion of global high-quality design products, covering many fields such as architecture, landscape, interior, art and products. from the designer's unique perspective, the phenomenon touches the essence, giving the audience more sources of material and inspiration.鸿带领徒弟们去省城发展宝芝林,因误会与当地虎鲨帮结仇,并结识了鬼脚七,收其为弟子。yinji media is committed to the dissemination of fresh and timely design information and the promotion of global high-quality design products, covering many fields such as architecture, landscape, interior, art and products. from the designer's unique perspective, the phenomenon touches the essence, giving the audience more sources of material and inspiration.鸿年轻气盛,致使宝芝林陷入危难之中,后因父亲黄麒英的“假死”,yinji media is committed to the dissemination of fresh and timely design information and the promotion of global high-quality design products, covering many fields such as architecture, landscape, interior, art and products. from the designer's unique perspective, the phenomenon touches the essence, giving the audience more sources of material and inspiration.鸿心智转变,刻苦习武,立誓铲除虎鲨帮。