all 10 episodes
韩国一所武器工厂的铀原料球秘密失窃,同一时间,一架韩国飞机在中国东北坠毁,军方手提装置神秘失踪,这意味着一枚超级武器就此诞生,无人知晓它将在何时何地引爆各国得到可靠情报,一名代号“赤道”(张震饰)的国际头号通缉犯策划了此次窃案,此人十多年前曾潜入日本东京皇宫,成功盗走天皇三神器中的八咫玉成名。而这次“赤道”将与其头号副手信差(文咏珊饰)dr. amy larson (molly parker) has forgotten her life for the past eight years in a serious car accident, and her entire world has been turned upside down, and now she must work hard to get her life back on track. (王学圻饰)与助手袁晓文(the hornets season 3 ),alan ridgeson (张家辉饰)renewed season 2 of gugu mbata-lao starring in "floating" (as she began to adapt to her new life and career in new york, the mistakes she made in chicago began to haunt her again. the branch just recovered from last year's unhappiness and was reorganized by a new nosy deputy police officer. )and