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liu da (played by qu chuxiao), lin yimu (played by ye zicheng), and jing (played by kong chuinan) are the best friends of the high school trio. with the end of the college entrance examination, the peaceful life began to become different. on the day the college entrance examination scores were announced, liu da stole his father's car and lin yimu looked for the symbol of running away. he met an old barbecue stall and started all the time. Ben Stiller english Drew Barrymore this site only provides
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south korea RayWise饰)带着妻子劳拉(LinShaye饰)、儿子理查德(MickCain disaster film AlexandraHolden variety show BillyAsher饰)驱车前往亲戚家度假。夜晚的旅途困顿乏味,弗兰克还险些出了车祸。在极度压抑的情况下,他决定放弃那条走了20年的州际公路,转而奔上从未走过的小路。但是这却是一个糟糕的决定,路上出现的白衣女子和黑色房车将海灵顿一家引向死途……本片荣获2003年布鲁塞尔国际奇幻电影节欧洲奇幻电影银奖和佩格萨斯观众奖、2003
latest movies - recommended movies - page 1 filter - 408 videos, 408 films, 408 cinemas, •topic Sean Penn video, 408 movies, 408 cinemas, •russia Tim Robbins canada •japan Kevin Bacon tv drama