又名: Le insaziabili voglie della ragazza con la Rolls Royce nbsp;女主角是一个受欢迎的女演员,但也是一个性成瘾者,为了满足自己的慾望,她决定跟着她的司机,开着她名贵的劳斯莱斯劳斯,奔驰在美丽的乡村理,女主角裸体坐在后排乘客座椅,透过玻璃车窗,找寻能满足她慾望的目标..... 属于.........
Isadora Edison is coming home to suburbia. Her old boyfriend Nelson is banging every girl he can get his hands on. Now he’s shacking up with Isadora’s Aunt Cynthia, (Tina Tyler). This makes Nelson’s sister Judith rage with jealousy as she wants his lips