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- china and the united statestradingprices from the bank of china are exposedthis article describes the development story of yonglian village, zhangjiagang city, jiangsu province in detail. from poverty and backwardness in the 1970s to modern new countryside today, the article mainly tells that yonglian village has embarked on a path of common prosperity through unremitting efforts and exploration and has become the vanguard of rural revitalization. the article first introduces the starting point of yonglian village. it was reclaimed from mudflats in the 1970s and was economically poor. however, under the leadership of the first secretary wu dongcai, the villagers made the first place through the development of fisheries and the opening of small processing plants...victimbecausenot classified yetoptimization software has more functions and more accurate optimization strategies, which can better improve the ranking of the website. therefore, wangdaoeuchinaknowledge and science
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