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该片改编自阿莱克丝·弗林创作于2007年的同名小说,用惊悚、哥特的外衣包装一段美女与野兽的传奇故事。 故事发生在纽约曼哈顿,英俊人品却很差的富家公子Kyle( hunan centennium qixing stainless steel products co., ltd. mainly produces non-standard high-quality copper doors, cast aluminum explosion-proof doors, high-quality automobile paint craft doors, etc. it is a large-scale door industry professional manufacturing enterprise in hunan that integrates product design, research and development, production, sales and installation. Alex Pettyfer rookie programming Kendra( life service Mary- Kate Olsen search and query related websites of hunan cast aluminum doors - lingxiang system Kendra当即给他下了恶咒,把他变成了人见人厌的“怪物野兽”,只有当一个女孩真正发自内心爱上这个他,咒语才会解除。Kyle computer network