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- uncle liu
- reportstudydelixi (hangzhou) inverter co., ltd.aboutviewing the roomfortuneskin replacementmanchester cityclassification:the longwang temple in gaoyou, jiangsu province, was originally named longwang temple. it has a buddhist life protection garden and a large release pond. it buys cows, cows, sheep and other lives from the slaughterhouses, saves all kinds of lives according to circumstances, and organizes a long-term release meeting to save living creatures. care for life and pay attention to the longwang temple of the kingdom of huguo. the content includes: life protection garden, release of animals and protecting animals, release of animals, merits of releasing animals, experience of releasing animals, releasing animals and releasing animals and protecting animals, etc.informationsitearticlebeijingtarot masterjoin in:cause
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