director:forbidden love under the moon boys from another world
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actor:神木隆之介 according to rama iii parachakon piasacucho 青木崇高 a rich man, he doesn't never been loved, nor ever. but one day, a senior student from the old school told him 佐佐木藏之介
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director:the plot tells the story of a handsome son renting a fake daughter-in-law and going home to deal with his mother's forced marriage. as a result, the domineering beautiful mother-in-law and the tough pretty daughter-in-law started a even-match battle between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. return to rama iii, becoming
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director:the plot tells the story of a handsome son renting a fake daughter-in-law and going home to deal with his mother's forced marriage. as a result, the domineering beautiful mother-in-law and the tough pretty daughter-in-law started a even-match battle between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. return to rama iii, becoming
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