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front page柳濑雄之 大薮恭平 土屋浩幸 日下直义 operation red sea 铃木芳成 大久保富彦 佐土原武之
completed福原克己 内田真礼 updated to episode 13 赤崎千夏 高野麻里佳 山下七海 completed 甲斐田幸 二又一成 松井菜樱子 立木文彦 原纱友里 吉冈茉祐 西村知道 question feedback 井上喜久子 井上穗乃花 桑原由气 茜屋日海夏 this drama is adapted from douban reading serial novel "180 days of paternity plan", authored by chu tang. after experiencing the double blow of love and unemployment, gu yunsu (played by zhou yutong), 28, chose to go home to find his mother when he was confused and could not find his direction in his life. gu yunsu, who originally planned to "limit his parents", was unprepared. 齐藤壮马 内田雄马 村田太志 岸尾大辅 伊藤健太郎 井上雄贵 滨田贤二 玄田哲章 黑田崇矢 津田健次郎 domestic dramas 大原沙耶香 寿美菜子 大久保瑠美 荻野叶月 青山吉能 矢野亚沙美 嘉数由美 堀江由衣 中田让治 安元洋贵 石井康嗣 the play tells the story of years of war. su fengzhi (played by fang jin), the legitimate daughter of tiansheng's general, has a prominent family background. but overnight, her father was accused of treason, married into the ninth prince's mansion and was pregnant and died mysteriously, and the su family was executed. su fengzhi escaped by chance and later changed his appearance to become a "blind girl" piano player su jin 柴田秀胜 铃木琢磨 川津泰彦 堂坂晃三 金光宣明 play the queen's harem 15 online - hd resources - 408 videos, 408 films, 408 cinemas, 大塚刚央
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front page川口敬一郎
completed川岛零士 山田美铃 东山奈央 木野日菜 布里德卡特·塞拉·惠美 huang xiaoxian 幸村恵理 白石晴香 内田修一 大野智敬 高冢智人 小原好美 小山力也 the play tells the story of years of war. su fengzhi (played by fang jin), the legitimate daughter of tiansheng's general, has a prominent family background. but overnight, her father was accused of treason, married into the ninth prince's mansion and was pregnant and died mysteriously, and the su family was executed. su fengzhi escaped by chance and later changed his appearance to become a "blind girl" piano player su jin 中村栞奈 高森奈津美 青山吉能 会泽纱弥 稗田宁宁
player1variety show
front page加户誉夫
completed森久保祥太郎 熊井统子 咲野俊介 野田顺子 子安武人 落合弘治 all 40 episodes 野岛健儿 updated to 22 三瓶由布子 进藤尚美 佐藤利奈 泽城美雪 三宅华也 松来未祐 阿澄佳奈 石井隆夫 钉宫理惠 笹本优子 jiang wanqing and jin mo have been married for six years and their lives should be happy, but jin mo's attitude suddenly changed after traveling abroad and was cold and distant. it turned out that jin mo encountered an accident abroad, and his spinal cord was damaged and may be paralyzed. in order not to drag down his family, he deliberately became cold and wanted her to divorce. however, jiang wanqing misunderstood that jin mo and her first love rekindled, and decided to divorce and collect evidence of cheating. jin mo is following the flow of the river and wants to use this to make jiang 青山桐子 木内玲子 伊藤亚矢子 netizen comments 和久田美晴 question feedback 大浦冬华 远藤久美子 水泽史绘 transformers 小野大辅 岩田光央 滨田贤二 榎本温子 石井康嗣 鸟海胜美 石上裕一 水岛大宙 福山广士 本井英美 河本邦弘 鹤冈秀树 莲佛美沙子
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completedamid the twists and turns of marriage, yan lidong and mu chenxi's fate intertwined. due to misunderstandings and conflicts, the two are on the verge of divorce. however, yan lidong was injured to save mu chenxi, which led to his memory going back to the age of 19. during this process, mu chenxi felt deeply the neglect and neglect of the past, and was staying with her 19-year-old husband with her memory. 樱井孝宏 杉田智和 state: back to top 细谷佳正 日笠阳子 折笠富美子 吉野裕行 市道真央 置鲇龙太郎 安济知佳 金田朋子 木村良平 金元寿子 花守由美里 清水理沙 三矢雄二 岸尾大辅 千本木彩花 青山穰 no introduction yet 朝井彩加 huang xiaoxian 近藤隆 半场友惠 松本沙罗 饭岛肇 齐藤佑圭 末柄里惠 阪口周平 杉山里穗 武藤正史 野水伊织
player12variety show
front page龟井干太 博史池畠 don’t easily believe the advertisements in the video and be careful not to be deceived! 川越崇弘 adapted from lan jing's novel "i'm in love with hua yao". gu qingcheng (played by li linfei), a small gardener from pingcheng, the "flower capital", sucked in his "flower spirit" when he was rescued by a mysterious firefly. this white peony is actually a thousand-year-old demon lu gengyun (played by he changxi). because of the last words left by my father 松林唯人 episode 24 ends 柴田彰久 铃木拓磨 熨斗谷充孝 小川优树
completed小野大辅 上田丽奈 updated to 16 中村悠一 铃木绘理 齐藤贵美子 松冈祯丞 鸟海浩辅 山下大辉 能登麻美子 土师孝也 本田贵子 夏川椎菜 have jiang xi 大原沙耶香 amid the twists and turns of marriage, yan lidong and mu chenxi's fate intertwined. due to misunderstandings and conflicts, the two are on the verge of divorce. however, yan lidong was injured to save mu chenxi, which led to his memory going back to the age of 19. during this process, mu chenxi felt deeply the neglect and neglect of the past, and was staying with her 19-year-old husband with her memory. 小松未可子 深见梨加 渡边明乃 青山穰 石上静香 相马康一 樱井浩美 手冢宏通 日冈夏美 Lynn 木岛隆一 石冢运升
player24variety show
front pagelove apartment 5 今泉贤一 菱川直树 湖山祯崇 if it cannot play, please refresh the page or switch the line. sports entertainment 平牧大辅 太田知章 高岛大辅 小森香织 仓川英扬 熨斗谷充孝 菅沼芙实彦
completed木村珠莉 wang xinyuan 千菅春香 高野麻美 大和田仁美 西地修哉 吉野裕行 山冈百合 松冈祯丞 松风雅也 茅野爱衣 中原麻衣 高木涉 桧山修之 斋藤宽仁 滨田贤二 沼仓爱美 this drama is adapted from douban reading serial novel "the six sisters", authored by yi bei. after the founding of new china, he changsheng moved from jiangdu, yangzhou to huainan, anhui with his family and his friends, and took root on the huaihe river. in the next twenty years, he changsheng got six daughters in a row, but sued others in a car accident 山川琴美 how can she be so charming 间岛淳司 高梨谦吾 documentary 日野麻里 小伏伸之 叶山郁美 this drama is adapted from douban reading serial novel "180 days of paternity plan", authored by chu tang. after experiencing the double blow of love and unemployment, gu yunsu (played by zhou yutong), 28, chose to go home to find his mother when he was confused and could not find his direction in his life. gu yunsu, who originally planned to "limit his parents", was unprepared. 井泽诗织 小林裕介 樫井笙人 the immortal cultivation genius su yishui (played by deng wei), was changed by his master mu qingge (played by xiang hanzhi) 18 years ago. mu qingge, who has always been rebellious, also died of stigma for this. eighteen years later, mu qingge turned into xue ranran, and su yishui, who had succeeded as the head of the xishan sect, brought ranran, who was weak and dying, to his subordinates. 樱井孝宏 高桥李依 菅原雅芳 岩田光央 高桥伸也 横尾麻里 野濑育二 小西克幸 兴津和幸 森谷里美 青山穰 田村由香里 tv drama 宫田幸季 手冢宏通
player20variety show
completed山下诚一郎 濑户麻沙美 a beautiful city among the flowers 三森铃子 菲鲁兹·蓝 金元寿子 朝井彩加 近藤玲奈 花泽香菜 日笠阳子 日高里菜 白石晴香 会泽纱弥 堀江由衣 小山力也 松风雅也 松冈祯丞 difficult to choose 山本祥太 安田陆矢 冈本信彦 三宅健太 大塚芳忠 front page 名冢佳织 若山诗音 兴津和幸 青山穰 小松未可子 内田真礼 the queen's harem 前川凉子 长谷川育美 富田美忧 羊宫妃那 木野日菜 川井田夏海 天海由梨奈 the female general song dianxin founded qianwei pavilion in order to find out the traitors who colluded with the enemy and made an accident with the national teacher shen musi. the two of them worked step by step and finally joined forces to capture the mastermind behind the scenes and jointly protect the peaceful and prosperous era of peace and prosperity, peace and prosperity. 子安武人 中原麻衣
player4variety show
completedall 27 episodes luo lingyu (played by lin yun), a down-and-out aristocratic girl, went to join her cousin with her sister, but unexpectedly made a grudge with lu yun (played by fang yilun) on the way due to a misunderstanding. afterwards, luo lingyu worked hard to establish her own career and helped lu yun resolve many crises, changing lu yun's misunderstanding of her. the two of them work together in difficulties, 小原好美 铃木崚汰 富田美忧 花守由美里 麻仓桃 日高里菜 trailer 铃代纱弓 Suzushiro Sayumi 子安武人 Takehito Koyasu 青山穰 Yutaka Aoyama adapted from the popular novel "occupy jiang xi" of the same name on min jiangxi (played by tan yanyan), who is determined to become a "no. 1 female mr. shencheng", met qin yuan (played by wang xuan), the "heroine" of shencheng. the two went from being alert to cherish each other, and finally joined forces to eradicate the huge evils in the business world. while growing and healing each other, they also performed.
player24variety show
front page中西伸彰
completed高桥广树 鹿野优以 related information 宫崎羽衣 铃木千寻 this drama is adapted from the novel "the demon and the tao of the kingdom of heaven". this drama is set in the early 1990s and entered a critical period of economic reform. it takes the struggle between public security police and criminal groups as the main line. it shows the development and changes of the public security team under the background of reform and opening up, and praises the dedication and sacrifice of public security police to maintain social security. 井上喜久子 玄田哲章 宝龟克寿 奥田启人 名冢佳织 川田绅司 after the election, the two princes entered the palace, one was concubine cao and the other was meiren liu. later, through relationships, a qi sanlang was stuffed in. the whole story revolved around the main line of the play of three men, and used humorous expression techniques to reflect how they compete for favor and how they intrigue. finally, he was injured in an accident and was deeply moved to a foreign land. only qi sanlang, who gradually developed feelings for his majesty during the process of getting along with his majesty, accompanied his majesty to the end, fully reflecting the law of survival in the inner palace and the true meaning of love: - a pair of people in life. 植竹香菜 外村晶子 加藤英美里 小宫和枝 丰口惠美 松来未祐 小樱悦子 青山桐子 川野刚稔 上田耀司 上田祐司 小松史法 小伏伸之 志村知幸 近藤孝行
player27variety show
front page平野俊贵
completed岛崎信长 大塚明夫 this drama is adapted from the novel "the demon and the tao of the kingdom of heaven". this drama is set in the early 1990s and entered a critical period of economic reform. it takes the struggle between public security police and criminal groups as the main line. it shows the development and changes of the public security team under the background of reform and opening up, and praises the dedication and sacrifice of public security police to maintain social security. 飞田展男 front page 土师孝也 no movie viewing record yet 小山力也 菅生隆之 川原庆久 naruto day restart plan 青山穰 resource list 江口拓也 三宅健太 绪方贤一 all 26 episodes
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front page矢野博之
completed栗田贯一 小林清志 增山江威子 井上真树夫 纳谷悟朗 津嘉山正种 筱原惠美 内海贤二 if the content included in this website infringes your rights, please attach an instruction to contact the email address and this website will deal with it as soon as possible. 天田益男 绪方贤一 岩永哲哉 go to the blade episode 16 ends 秋元羊介 塚田正昭 all 40 episodes player 长岛雄一 青山穰
front page松下周平
completed小林裕介 铃木崚汰 luo lingyu (played by lin yun), a down-and-out aristocratic girl, went to join her cousin with her sister, but unexpectedly made a grudge with lu yun (played by fang yilun) on the way due to a misunderstanding. afterwards, luo lingyu worked hard to establish her own career and helped lu yun resolve many crises, changing lu yun's misunderstanding of her. the two of them work together in difficulties, 市之濑加那 沼仓爱美 see your heart 前野智昭 resource list 上田丽奈 高桥花林 河西健吾 front page 小野贤章 中岛良树 种崎敦美 间宫康弘 日笠阳子 石见舞菜香 liu zining 坂本真绫 all 30 episodes 大西沙织 青山穰 兴津和幸 site map
front page松下周平
completed小林裕介 铃木崚汰 luo lingyu (played by lin yun), a down-and-out aristocratic girl, went to join her cousin with her sister, but unexpectedly made a grudge with lu yun (played by fang yilun) on the way due to a misunderstanding. afterwards, luo lingyu worked hard to establish her own career and helped lu yun resolve many crises, changing lu yun's misunderstanding of her. the two of them work together in difficulties, 市之濑加那 沼仓爱美 see your heart 前野智昭 resource list 上田丽奈 高桥花林 河西健吾 front page 小野贤章 中岛良树 种崎敦美 间宫康弘 日笠阳子 石见舞菜香 坂本真绫 liu zining all 30 episodes 大西沙织 兴津和幸 青山穰 site map 石毛翔弥 羊宫妃那
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front page陆剑明
completedafter years of long-distance love runs, the old residents of love apartment have achieved success. some of them have determined their relationship, while others have decided to get a marriage certificate. everyone's love has entered a new stage, and new surprises and new troubles are coming one after another. some people are bumping into dating, while others are preparing for marriage 青山知可子 my movie history all 20 episodes page service, this website does not store or produce any videos, and does not assume any disputes or legal liability arising from the legality and health of the content. i'll turn back this time