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屈小乔(郑秀文 饰)是一名杂志记者,每次遇男友分手,都要拿回自己的床褥。杂志总编安排她跟进警方代言人高志强(古天乐饰)性无能的消息。其实志强在一次追踪犯人的时候,产生了阴影因此不举。小乔多次试探仍无进
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天才和疯子常常只是同一个人的两种描述。神探陈桂彬(刘青云 饰)就是这样一个人物,和天才画家梵高一样,他也曾经割下自己的耳朵。尽管破案无数,侦探能力超凡,却终被世俗认定是疯子一个,提早从警局里退了休。探员何家安(安志杰 饰)接到了一桩棘手的案件。案发地在树林,两名警员王 国柱(李国麟 饰)和高志伟(林家栋 饰)办案之后,只有高志伟平安归来,而王国柱和他的枪则神秘失踪。何家安请来陈桂彬为他指点迷津,却未料到陈桂彬的“疯子”行为又一次在侦探过程中表露无遗。他断定高志伟就是此案凶手,并把推理建立在他自己大量的想
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天才和疯子常常只是同一个人的两种描述。神探陈桂彬(刘青云 饰)就是这样一个人物,和天才画家梵高一样,他也曾经割下自己的耳朵。尽管破案无数,侦探能力超凡,却终被世俗认定是疯子一个,提早从警局里退了休。
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Golf Club经理潘致文(刘青云饰)与老婆张美瑛(songle doll )结婚将近七年,生活平淡、枯燥,虽然他渴望着过过“放荡的新生活”,但是天性胆小,只敢说不敢做,基本上是一个善良的小男人。这一次美瑛要去外地旅行,潘致文觉得这是个大好机会,于是决定趁这个“婚姻大假”找寻一些刺激。抚慰自己强压六年多的欲海。夜晚在PUB中,致文就邂逅了冶艳少女赵静(应采儿饰),令到他心痒难忍。正当致文准备向阿静展开攻势的时候,却在相处中了解到她原来身世相当凄惨,放荡的行为只是因为孤寂的逆反,致文怜悯之心大增,无奈中不得不放弃了占有
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“整蛊王”高兴(刘青云 饰)与两名助手刘血(葛民辉 饰)、毕止(林海峰 饰)开设了一家整人公司。无良富家子史松(黄伟文 饰)雇佣高兴整蛊抗议的工人,被不做不义之事的高兴拒绝。史松恼羞成怒,请来“玩人大
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梅波(袁咏仪 饰)和沈露露(蔡少芬 饰)不仅仅是生活中的好姐妹,也有着成为明星的共同梦想,两人混迹在六十年代的电影圈。一次偶然的演出机会让梅波结识了当时红极一时的编剧秦淮(刘青云 饰),并对这个才华横
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阿梅(李婉华 饰)的儿子身患重病在美国接受治疗,需要大笔的医疗费。与此同时,她的母亲亦患上了老年痴呆,常年需要照拂。在这样危机的情况下,整个家庭的重担都落在了阿梅的肩上,无奈之下,阿梅只能成为一名应召
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阿文(古天乐 饰)是一个小巴司机,在一次交通意外中丧生了,他的新婚妻子小慧(张栢芝 饰)强忍伤痛也要继续生活下去,还要照顾阿文与前妻生下的儿子乐乐(原岛大地 饰)。她开着阿文生前用过的小巴开始新的生活
dieproud frozen card underground mahjong game record i, who is a team of people, and i have moved into the depths of the maze with my former disciples. the bad boy kasumi kazuma (voiced by koshin kazuki) is in the second grade of high school and forms the bad boy group "kashima ichizuma" with yokoko and changshan. it is such a bad student who is rampant on campus who broke into the "game production department" that faced the dismissal of the ministry by chance because there were too few members, and encountered it as a subordinate. on the surface, qinpu chunxiang (voiced by jin yuanshouzi) is an ordinary girl with a cute appearance, but only she knows how troubled her to understand what she has. from childhood to adulthood, qinpu has suffered many injuries because of this superpower, but closed his heart.
赛明军(袁咏仪 饰)和男友左思程(林文龙 饰)相恋多年,让本以为两人能够最终修成正果的赛明军没有想到的是,左思程竟然在得知了自己腹中怀有他的骨肉之后残忍的抛弃了她。在好友的劝说之下,赛明军决定生下腹中
diesecret proud after changing his post to shadow king, cheng xiaoyu gained the ability to manipulate the shadow army. in order to cure the sick mother and find materials to make "divine water of life", cheng xiaoyu embarked on the road of attacking the demon realm alone... Chapman To the story takes place in two worlds where humans and magicians are incompatible. humans live in cities called "caves", while magicians who worship demons live in "the world of magicians". magicians call humans "waste", while humans call magicians "monsters" and they hate each other. the magician used his magic to create a "door" connecting the two worlds, using the humans in the "cave" as experimental items for practicing magic, and the cave residents who suffered from it also resisted the magician. the master revealed that mann was one of the magic victims of the "cave". cayman turned into a lizard because of magic, and at the same time lost all memories. however, cayman's body has magical immunity. in order to pursue memory and restore the original appearance, cayman and his friend nikaido began hunting magicians. the killer of the "world of magicians" also appeared in the "cave", and the fight was about to break out... don’t easily believe the advertisements in the video and be careful not to be deceived! miha aoyu
吕柔(容祖儿 饰)在度假村开设了一间宠物店,继而认识了经营烧烤场的黄兴贵(刘青云 饰)。阿贵脸上有一道奇怪的胎记,口上说不介意,但其实一直耿耿于怀因为这块胎记令自己失去了很多恋爱的机会,更令别人觉得他
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1991年,悍匪叶欢一伙打劫多家金店,其火力凶猛,警方始终不能将其绳之以法。三年后,卧底警察黑猫(刘青云 饰)与叶欢手下沙皮(林保怡 饰)一同出狱,黑猫靠做代客泊车度日,不久黑猫因出色的驾驶技术被沙皮引荐给叶欢,受邀在他们下一次的抢劫中担任司机。虽然黑猫将叶欢的犯罪计划通知警方,不料在行劫过程中,黑猫被警方击伤,但幸运躲过了叶欢的怀疑。因黑猫的上司在追捕中身亡,他失去了警方的信任,为了挽回局面,黑猫孤注一掷抓捕沙皮,却将他误杀。警方由此将黑猫列为通缉犯,面对警方和叶欢两方的怀疑,黑猫举步维艰证明自己的清白
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dieproud living together ain, born as the lowest-level profession [authoritor], has always lived the lowest-level life. during an adventure, i encountered a large number of hellhounds, and my companions used ain as bait to survive. ain, who ended her life like this, met her, and since then, ain's fate changed tremendously. 骆力炜 this is a life-threatening bet
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日本著名胸围公司的香港区总裁Samantha( word Johnny(刘青云 饰)和Wayne(古天乐 饰)两名男设计师。他们的上司高级设计师Lena(梁咏琪 饰)觉得他们根本无法胜任这份
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日本著名胸围公司的香港区总裁Samantha( word Johnny(刘青云 饰)和Wayne(古天乐 饰)两名男设计师。他们的上司高级设计师Lena(梁咏琪 饰)觉得他们根本无法胜任这份
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