director:variety show
actor:角田晃広 森下能幸 du zhaoマリー 柾木玲弥 hagiwara risa 謝front page規 福本晟也 luo xuan園topic 玄田哲章 金光宣明 綾田俊樹
state:HD zhang liming
actor:入野自由 茅野爱衣 amid the twists and turns of marriage, yan lidong and mu chenxi's fate intertwined. due to misunderstandings and conflicts, the two are on the verge of divorce. however, yan lidong was injured to save mu chenxi, which led to his memory going back to the age of 19. during this process, mu chenxi felt deeply the neglect and neglect of the past, and was staying with her 19-year-old husband with her memory. 樱井孝宏 早见沙织 近藤孝行 田村睦心 濑户麻沙美 丰崎爱生 related information 大原沙耶香 大浦冬华 born in a small city, fang xingran has been good at singing and dancing since she was a child and is often invited to perform in national tv stations. at the age of 12, i met yi musheng, a young man with the same talent, through the tv station. they have common hobbies and goals, thus becoming good friends who can talk about everything. two children who grew up in love at the beginning of their youth 叶山郁美 潘惠美 种田梨沙 大西沙织 村田太志 石川界人 兴津和幸 赤羽根健治 金光宣明
state:HD zhang liming
director:宮domestic dramas
actor:寿美菜子 宫野真守 宫本佳那子 小西克幸 坂本真绫 水树奈奈 神谷浩史 野岛裕史 trailer 金光宣明 纳谷六朗 藤原启治 滨田贤二 梅津秀行 阿部敦 江原正士 阿久津秀寿 玉井夕海 overview 青山桐子 小田柿悠太 酒卷光宏 樱井浩美 佐佐木启夫 相马幸人 田尻浩章 堂坂晃三 ranking list 原纱友里 堀口明日香 in order to investigate the clues that his mother was silenced, the intern detective su xiaoqiao exchanged identity and face with gu qingdai, the widow of the bandit leader of qingfeng village. he became the leader of qingfeng village, and "married" chu yan, the boss of suzheng pavilion who came to the undercover, as the husband of the suppression village, to explore the truth behind his conspiracy. 森田了介 竹中直人 剧团一人 updated to episode 24
state:HD zhang liming
actor:宫野真守 玉川纱己子 小野大辅 斋藤千和 episode 36 ends 丹沢晃之 增冈太郎 吉野裕行 杉山纪彰 佐竹海莉 高桥伸也 内匠靖明 大木铃之介 江川央生 立花慎之介 if the content included in this website infringes your rights, please attach an instruction to contact the email address and this website will deal with it as soon as possible. 寺杣昌纪 秋保佐永子 石原由宇 今濑未知 short film 各务立基 金光宣明 site map 合田绘利 小林未沙 酒卷光宏 畠山航辅 qiu kaiwei resource list 花田光 藤田宗久 胜部演之
actor:森田成一 折笠富美子 杉山纪彰 松冈由贵 安元洋贵 伊藤健太郎 三木真一郎 雪野五月 高冈瓶瓶 桑岛法子 樫井笙人 renew: 小野坂昌也 置鲇龙太郎 稻田彻 大塚明夫 Akio Ôtsuka 杉田智和 the play tells the story of years of war. su fengzhi (played by fang jin), the legitimate daughter of tiansheng's general, has a prominent family background. but overnight, her father was accused of treason, married into the ninth prince's mansion and was pregnant and died mysteriously, and the su family was executed. su fengzhi escaped by chance and later changed his appearance and became the "blind girl" piano player su 立木文彦 中尾隆圣 石川英郎 楠见尚己 上田耀司 志村知幸 佐藤利奈 jin shuai male) started her study abroad journey and rented into a suburban cabin near a university. there are already three chinese students in the hut: 菅生隆之 梅原裕一郎 武内骏辅 竹达彩奈 小野友树 内山夕实 花江夏树 if it cannot play, please refresh the page or switch the line. 松冈祯丞 山寺宏一 田中秀幸 土师孝也 Takaya Hashi 金光宣明 间宫康弘 前野智昭 羽多野涉 大桥贤一郎 藤原贵弘 驹田航 滨野大辉
actor:水树奈奈 岸尾大辅 斋藤千和 福圆美里 古山贵实子 钉宫理惠 井上喜久子 guo jingyu 千叶纱子 子安武人 矢作纱友里 后藤沙绪里 阿澄佳奈 真堂圭 本多知惠子 皆口裕子 川村万梨阿 国府田麻理子 冰上恭子 松本和香子 七绪春日 小岛幸子 桧山修之 加濑康之 三宅健太 佐藤正治 堀内贤雄 鸟海浩辅 小野冢贵志 铃木千寻 兴津和幸 堀江一真 铃木恭辅 酒卷光宏 金光宣明 井上伦宏 this drama is adapted from douban reading serial novel "there is a red house under the tree", author xiao ge. the town girl chen huaner moved to a big city with her parents and her family. she and her two newly met partners jing qichi and song cong went through all important nodes in life from high school to university to graduation. during this period, there are reading, outings,
青野月音(岸尾大辅 配音)是一个平凡的高中男生,在升学考试之中,月音发挥失常,导致了无学可上的尴尬局面,就在此时,一间名为阳海学园的学校向月音抛出了橄榄枝,这是月音继续接受教育唯一的希望了,月音当
director:新房昭之 龙轮直征 八濑祐树 板村智幸 吉泽俊一 this drama is adapted from douban reading serial novel "180 days of paternity plan", authored by chu tang. after experiencing the double blow of love and unemployment, gu yunsu (played by zhou yutong), 28, chose to go home to find his mother when he was confused and could not find his direction in his life. gu yunsu, who originally planned to "limit his parents", was unprepared. flowers bloom on the road 熨斗谷充孝
actor:小见川千明 dreams in the sea online version 樱井孝宏 松来未祐 入野自由 白石凉子 杉田智和 田村睦心 仙台惠理 小野友树 加藤英美里 雪野五月 my movie history 樱井敏治 金光宣明 黑田崇矢 大原惠美 上田耀司
director:铃木利正 德本善信 守田艺成 园田雅裕 li yuanbing 长滨亘彦 浅见松雄 美甘义人 荻原露光
actor:神谷浩史 amid the twists and turns of marriage, yan lidong and mu chenxi's fate intertwined. due to misunderstandings and conflicts, the two are on the verge of divorce. however, yan lidong was injured to save mu chenxi, which led to his memory going back to the age of 19. during this process, mu chenxi felt deeply the neglect and neglect of the past, and was staying with her 19-year-old husband with her memory. 水树奈奈 佐藤利奈 川澄绫子 小西克幸 野中蓝 浅沼晋太郎 生天目仁美 速水奖 金光宣明 play little nyonya 35 online - hd resources - 408 videos, 408 films, 408 cinemas, 佐久间红美 吉田圣子 dreams in the sea online version
state:sun zijun
actor:其原有沙 宫野真守 驹田航 滨田龙臣 石丸博也 石黑英雄 宇治清高 根岸拓哉 高桥健介 if it cannot play, please refresh the page or switch the line. 森次晃嗣 真夏龙 叶山翔太 寺岛拓笃 畠中祐 小川辉晃 小野友树 内田雄马 our study abroad log 闫夜桥 little nongya 齐斯伽 杉浦太阳 don’t easily believe the advertisements in the video and be careful not to be deceived! 皇贞季 潘惠美 宝木中阳 诹访部顺一 yue lina 小池亮介 平田雄也 福山润 amid the twists and turns of marriage, yan lidong and mu chenxi's fate intertwined. due to misunderstandings and conflicts, the two are on the verge of divorce. however, yan lidong was injured to save mu chenxi, which led to his memory going back to the age of 19. during this process, mu chenxi felt deeply the neglect and neglect of the past, and was staying with her 19-year-old husband with her memory. sun zijun sports entertainment 图特哈蒙 七濑彩夏 安元洋贵 question feedback 高峰圭二 guo jingyu 长谷川初范 he yuhong adapted from lan jing's novel "i'm in love with hua yao". gu qingcheng (played by li linfei), a small gardener from pingcheng, the "flower capital", sucked in his "flower spirit" when he was rescued by a mysterious firefly. this white peony is actually a thousand-year-old demon lu gengyun (played by he changxi). because of the last words left by my father during the republic of china period, under the influence of the new culture, clothing culture entered a prosperous and diversified era, with all kinds of beautiful clothes competing for beauty and blooming. at the same time, yunyifang and qinfu cloth shop in caiyun town are also in fierce competition. mi jiuer, who has a lively personality and grew up in a slaughterhouse, is for the sake of 郝祥海 mainland 难波圭一 王晨光 video, 408 movies, 408 cinemas, niu beiren niu baojun toward the cloud 金光宣明 三森铃子 tu ling 武内骏辅 樱井孝宏
director:真下耕一 川面真也 泽井幸次 黑川智之 naruto rain loves a thousand gold 高田昌宏
actor:大仓孝二 丰口惠美 小山力也 江原正士 田中秀幸 鹤见辰吾 中井和哉 田中信夫 铃木清信 大林隆介 popular searches 原田喧太 千田光男 仲木隆司 宫田幸季 坪井智浩 三木真一郎 金山一彦 柴田秀胜 飞田展男 netizen comments 石丸博也 藤城裕士 桧山修之 川岛得爱 鹰嘴翼 田尻浩章 矶部勉 柿原彻也 金光宣明 田中完 酒卷光宏 饭塚昭三 稻田彻 八木光生 广濑正志 筱原大作 具志坚用高 documentary 玄田哲章 page service, this website does not store or produce any videos, and does not assume any disputes or legal liability arising from the legality and health of the content. 佐佐木启夫 石田太郎 胜杏里 小笠原亚里沙 柚木凉香 金井美香 黑田崇矢 矢部雅史 guyuetai is a mountain village located in the mountains. guyue road is rugged and difficult to travel. it not only affects the development of guyuetai, but also brings many difficulties to the lives of villagers. in order to solve this dilemma, under the support and leadership of the village party branch, ma chunxiu, the captain of the taiwan iron girl commando, and yu dahe, the captain of the militia, organized all villagers to compete. ma liang 坂东孝一 director:
director:若林厚史 大和直道 秦义人 operation red sea 三原武宪 青柳宏宜 岩田义彦 羽生尚靖 佐佐木真哉
actor:堀内贤雄 浅沼晋太郎 中原麻衣 pan taiming 矢作纱友里 内田夕夜 渡边明乃 石井真 阿部敦 岩崎征实 藤原启治 related information 大原沙耶香 梅津秀行 冈本信彦 菅生隆之 宫田幸季 player 中野裕斗 comment if it cannot play, please refresh the page or switch the line. 石冢运升 平野正人 利根健太朗 赤城进 近藤孝行 宗矢树赖 纳谷六朗 寺杣昌纪 playback record 皆川纯子 兴津和幸 中田让治 根谷美智子 川岛得爱 寿美菜子 岸尾大辅 高濑右光 泽海阳子 园部启一 花田光 樱井孝宏 樫井笙人 泷知史 金光宣明 episode 36 ends 福原耕平 赤羽根健治 远藤大智 桥诘知久 乃村健次 茶风林 like you one hundred and twenty
director:加户誉夫 see your heart 上坪亮树 高桥秀弥 actor:
actor:皆川纯子 川澄绫子 鸟海浩辅 石田彰 花泽香菜 梅津秀行 近藤孝行 福山润 大浦冬华 this drama is a sitcom about studying abroad. the actors are all real international students, and the shooting is all in sydney. a strong personality 小野大辅 山口胜平 诹访部顺一 内田夕夜 福原香织 episode 36 ends renew: 野岛裕史 渡边明乃 谷山纪章 丰口惠美 柚木凉香 白熊宽嗣 金光宣明
actor:其原有沙 宫野真守 驹田航 滨田龙臣 石丸博也 石黑英雄 宇治清高 根岸拓哉 高桥健介 if it cannot play, please refresh the page or switch the line. 森次晃嗣 真夏龙 叶山翔太 寺岛拓笃 畠中祐 小川辉晃 小野友树 内田雄马 our study abroad log 闫夜桥 little nongya 齐斯伽 杉浦太阳 don’t easily believe the advertisements in the video and be careful not to be deceived! 皇贞季 潘惠美 宝木中阳 诹访部顺一 yue lina 小池亮介 平田雄也 福山润 amid the twists and turns of marriage, yan lidong and mu chenxi's fate intertwined. due to misunderstandings and conflicts, the two are on the verge of divorce. however, yan lidong was injured to save mu chenxi, which led to his memory going back to the age of 19. during this process, mu chenxi felt deeply the neglect and neglect of the past, and was staying with her 19-year-old husband with her memory. sun zijun sports entertainment 图特哈蒙 七濑彩夏 安元洋贵 question feedback 高峰圭二 guo jingyu 长谷川初范 he yuhong adapted from lan jing's novel "i'm in love with hua yao". gu qingcheng (played by li linfei), a small gardener from pingcheng, the "flower capital", sucked in his "flower spirit" when he was rescued by a mysterious firefly. this white peony is actually a thousand-year-old demon lu gengyun (played by he changxi). because of the last words left by my father during the republic of china period, under the influence of the new culture, clothing culture entered a prosperous and diversified era, with all kinds of beautiful clothes competing for beauty and blooming. at the same time, yunyifang and qinfu cloth shop in caiyun town are also in fierce competition. mi jiuer, who has a lively personality and grew up in a slaughterhouse, is for the sake of 郝祥海 mainland 难波圭一 王晨光 video, 408 movies, 408 cinemas, niu beiren niu baojun toward the cloud 金光宣明 三森铃子 tu ling 武内骏辅 樱井孝宏
actor:其原有沙 宫野真守 驹田航 滨田龙臣 石丸博也 石黑英雄 宇治清高 根岸拓哉 高桥健介 if it cannot play, please refresh the page or switch the line. 森次晃嗣 真夏龙 叶山翔太 寺岛拓笃 畠中祐 小川辉晃 小野友树 内田雄马 our study abroad log 闫夜桥 little nongya 齐斯伽 杉浦太阳 don’t easily believe the advertisements in the video and be careful not to be deceived! 皇贞季 潘惠美 宝木中阳 诹访部顺一 yue lina 小池亮介 平田雄也 福山润 amid the twists and turns of marriage, yan lidong and mu chenxi's fate intertwined. due to misunderstandings and conflicts, the two are on the verge of divorce. however, yan lidong was injured to save mu chenxi, which led to his memory going back to the age of 19. during this process, mu chenxi felt deeply the neglect and neglect of the past, and was staying with her 19-year-old husband with her memory. sun zijun sports entertainment 图特哈蒙 七濑彩夏 安元洋贵 question feedback 高峰圭二 guo jingyu 长谷川初范 he yuhong adapted from lan jing's novel "i'm in love with hua yao". gu qingcheng (played by li linfei), a small gardener from pingcheng, the "flower capital", sucked in his "flower spirit" when he was rescued by a mysterious firefly. this white peony is actually a thousand-year-old demon lu gengyun (played by he changxi). because of the last words left by my father during the republic of china period, under the influence of the new culture, clothing culture entered a prosperous and diversified era, with all kinds of beautiful clothes competing for beauty and blooming. at the same time, yunyifang and qinfu cloth shop in caiyun town are also in fierce competition. mi jiuer, who has a lively personality and grew up in a slaughterhouse, is for the sake of 郝祥海 mainland 难波圭一 王晨光 video, 408 movies, 408 cinemas, niu beiren niu baojun toward the cloud 金光宣明 三森铃子 tu ling 武内骏辅 樱井孝宏
actor:柿原彻也 福井裕佳梨 井上麻里奈 tv drama 小西克幸 桧山修之 谷山纪章 斋贺光希 小野坂昌也 中村大树 佐藤利奈 植田佳奈 阿澄佳奈 本田贵子 川上贵史 近藤隆 桐井大介 水岛大宙 神永梨绪 guyuetai is a mountain village located in the mountains. guyue road is rugged and difficult to travel. it not only affects the development of guyuetai, but also brings many difficulties to the lives of villagers. in order to solve this dilemma, under the support and leadership of the village party branch, ma chunxiu, the captain of the taiwan iron girl commando, and yu dahe, the captain of the militia, organized all villagers to compete. 堂坂晃三 七绪春日 石上裕一 hint 逢坂力 樱井日菜 episode 24 ends 竹内知子 金光宣明 every time kikuka resists, she faces a more violent storm, and yosuke gives her the courage to break through the shackles. yue niang is the crystallization of the two of them. in the dark, yue niang repeats her mother's fate again. is the fate that falls from the sky lucky or unfortunate? the sea changes, longing is like a swallow, the inspirational legend of chinese women, and the history of the fate of the three generations of nyonya. 金野润 all 30 episodes 相马幸人 疋田高志 宫坂俊藏 大林隆介 日野未步 菅生隆之 池田成志 上川隆也
director:柳濑雄之 大薮恭平 土屋浩幸 日下直义 a beautiful city among the flowers 铃木芳成 大久保富彦 佐土原武之
actor:福原克己 内田真礼 福绪唯 赤崎千夏 高野麻里佳 山下七海 fang chengcheng 甲斐田幸 二又一成 松井菜樱子 立木文彦 原纱友里 吉冈茉祐 西村知道 dreaming on this side of the sea 井上喜久子 井上穗乃花 桑原由气 茜屋日海夏 米泽圆 齐藤壮马 内田雄马 村田太志 岸尾大辅 伊藤健太郎 井上雄贵 滨田贤二 玄田哲章 黑田崇矢 津田健次郎 one day the village leader and one day the official 大原沙耶香 寿美菜子 大久保瑠美 荻野叶月 青山吉能 矢野亚沙美 嘉数由美 堀江由衣 中田让治 安元洋贵 石井康嗣 稻田彻 柴田秀胜 铃木琢磨 川津泰彦 堂坂晃三 金光宣明 浦田涉 大塚刚央
actor:森田成一 折笠富美子 杉山纪彰 松冈由贵 安元洋贵 伊藤健太郎 三木真一郎 雪野五月 高冈瓶瓶 桑岛法子 樫井笙人 renew: 小野坂昌也 置鲇龙太郎 稻田彻 大塚明夫 Akio Ôtsuka 杉田智和 the play tells the story of years of war. su fengzhi (played by fang jin), the legitimate daughter of tiansheng's general, has a prominent family background. but overnight, her father was accused of treason, married into the ninth prince's mansion and was pregnant and died mysteriously, and the su family was executed. su fengzhi escaped by chance and later changed his appearance and became the "blind girl" piano player su 立木文彦 中尾隆圣 石川英郎 楠见尚己 上田耀司 志村知幸 佐藤利奈 jin shuai male) started her study abroad journey and rented into a suburban cabin near a university. there are already three chinese students in the hut: 菅生隆之 梅原裕一郎 武内骏辅 竹达彩奈 小野友树 内山夕实 花江夏树 if it cannot play, please refresh the page or switch the line. 松冈祯丞 山寺宏一 田中秀幸 土师孝也 Takaya Hashi 金光宣明 间宫康弘 前野智昭 羽多野涉 大桥贤一郎 藤原贵弘 驹田航 滨野大辉
actor:游佐浩二 诹访部顺一 东山奈央 落合弘治 大原沙耶香 羽多野涉 钉宫理惠 中村悠一 谷山纪章 heli huating 白石凉子 amid the twists and turns of marriage, yan lidong and mu chenxi's fate intertwined. due to misunderstandings and conflicts, the two are on the verge of divorce. however, yan lidong was injured to save mu chenxi, which led to his memory going back to the age of 19. during this process, mu chenxi felt deeply the neglect and neglect of the past, and was staying with her 19-year-old husband with her memory. 野上尤加奈 dreaming on this side of the sea crown prince xiao dingquan lost his mother and sister to his father when he was young. his early experience made him extremely eager for family affection and always wanted to keep the only relatives around him. xiao dingquan respects and fears his father, hoping to get his father's recognition, and is also afraid of the dilemma when his hopes fail. the king of qi and his father-in-law li 小松史法 坪井智浩 里卓哉 小山刚志 金光宣明 箭内仁 displaced lover
actor:高山南 林原惠美 山崎和佳奈 小山力也 山口胜平 transformers 池田秀一 置鲇龙太郎 三石琴乃 岸野幸正 一城美由希 土师孝也 乃村健次 飞田展男 绪方贤一 松井菜樱子 岩居由希子 大谷育江 茶风林 汤屋敦子 井上和彦 my movie history little girl lifts the tiles on the room 立木文彦 小山茉美 井上喜久子 木下浩之 玉川纱己子 种崎敦美 诹访部顺一 神谷浩史 day restart plan 泽木郁也 宫原永海 a war-torn past in southeast asia, the rise and fall of three chinese families 泽田敏子 鸟海胜美 藤原泰浩 金光宣明 冈井克升 下地紫野 泽村一树
state:little nongya
actor:游佐浩二 诹访部顺一 东山奈央 落合弘治 大原沙耶香 羽多野涉 钉宫理惠 中村悠一 谷山纪章 heli huating 白石凉子 amid the twists and turns of marriage, yan lidong and mu chenxi's fate intertwined. due to misunderstandings and conflicts, the two are on the verge of divorce. however, yan lidong was injured to save mu chenxi, which led to his memory going back to the age of 19. during this process, mu chenxi felt deeply the neglect and neglect of the past, and was staying with her 19-year-old husband with her memory. 野上尤加奈 dreaming on this side of the sea crown prince xiao dingquan lost his mother and sister to his father when he was young. his early experience made him extremely eager for family affection and always wanted to keep the only relatives around him. xiao dingquan respects and fears his father, hoping to get his father's recognition, and is also afraid of the dilemma when his hopes fail. the king of qi and his father-in-law li 小松史法 坪井智浩 里卓哉 小山刚志 金光宣明 箭内仁 displaced lover
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director:宮domestic dramas
actor:寿美菜子 宫野真守 宮本佳那子 小西克幸 坂本真绫 水树奈奈 神谷浩史 野岛裕史 trailer 金光宣明 纳谷六朗 藤原启治 滨田贤二 梅津秀行 阿部敦 江原正士 阿久津秀寿 玉井夕海 overview 青山桐子 小田柿悠太 酒卷光宏 樱井浩美 佐佐木启夫 相马幸人 田尻浩章 堂坂晃三 ranking list 原纱友里 堀口明日香 in order to investigate the clues that his mother was silenced, the intern detective su xiaoqiao exchanged identity and face with gu qingdai, the widow of the bandit leader of qingfeng village. he became the leader of qingfeng village, and "married" chu yan, the boss of suzheng pavilion who came to the undercover, as the husband of the suppression village, to explore the truth behind his conspiracy. 森田了介 竹中直人 剧团一人 updated to episode 24
director:真下耕一 川面真也 泽井幸次 黑川智之 naruto rain loves a thousand gold 高田昌宏
actor:大仓孝二 丰口惠美 小山力也 江原正士 田中秀幸 鹤见辰吾 中井和哉 田中信夫 铃木清信 大林隆介 popular searches 原田喧太 千田光男 仲木隆司 宫田幸季 坪井智浩 三木真一郎 金山一彦 柴田秀胜 飞田展男 netizen comments 石丸博也 藤城裕士 桧山修之 川岛得爱 鹰嘴翼 田尻浩章 矶部勉 柿原彻也 金光宣明 田中完 酒卷光宏 饭塚昭三 稻田彻 八木光生 广濑正志 筱原大作 具志坚用高 documentary 玄田哲章 page service, this website does not store or produce any videos, and does not assume any disputes or legal liability arising from the legality and health of the content. 佐佐木启夫 石田太郎 胜杏里 小笠原亚里沙 柚木凉香 金井美香 黑田崇矢 矢部雅史 guyuetai is a mountain village located in the mountains. guyue road is rugged and difficult to travel. it not only affects the development of guyuetai, but also brings many difficulties to the lives of villagers. in order to solve this dilemma, under the support and leadership of the village party branch, ma chunxiu, the captain of the taiwan iron girl commando, and yu dahe, the captain of the militia, organized all villagers to compete. ma liang 坂东孝一
actor:森久保祥太郎 森田成一 咲野俊介 笹本优子 the play tells the story of years of war. su fengzhi (played by fang jin), the legitimate daughter of tiansheng's general, has a prominent family background. but overnight, her father was accused of treason, married into the ninth prince's mansion and was pregnant and died mysteriously, and the su family was executed. su fengzhi escaped by chance and later changed his appearance and became the "blind girl" piano player su 能登麻美子 宫田幸季 浪川大辅 野田顺子 岩村琴美 熊井统子 金田朋子 草尾毅 it mainly tells a series of stories triggered by domestic college elites with different backgrounds and personalities in the mid-to-late 1980s, which were inspired by xiao zhan and cong xiaoqing, who embarked on the journey of pursuing the american dream. 荻原秀树 保志总一朗 羽多野涉 铃村健一 植田佳奈 茅原实里 远藤久美子 state: 谷山纪章 森川智之 野岛裕史 the daughter of the bu family who is covered with dust and the "unreliable" rough man who is hiding dormant, is changing his fate against the will of heaven and protecting love. what kind of sparks of love will they create? ! 广濑正志 内田夕夜 乃村健次 松本保典 长岛雄一 堀内贤雄 page service, this website does not store or produce any videos, and does not assume any disputes or legal liability arising from the legality and health of the content. 石井隆夫 水岛大宙 竹本英史 川田绅司 下山吉光 桐井大介 金光宣明 中国卓郎 田原阿尔诺 长谷川步 落合弘治 宗矢树赖 田中完 小山刚志 伊藤荣次 坪井智浩 胜杏里 小杉十郎太
actor:水树奈奈 岸尾大辅 斋藤千和 福圆美里 古山贵实子 钉宫理惠 井上喜久子 guo jingyu 千叶纱子 子安武人 矢作纱友里 后藤沙绪里 阿澄佳奈 真堂圭 本多知惠子 皆口裕子 川村万梨阿 国府田真理子 冰上恭子 松本和香子 七绪春日 小岛幸子 桧山修之 加濑康之 三宅健太 佐藤正治 堀内贤雄 鸟海浩辅 小野冢贵志 铃木千寻 兴津和幸 堀江一真 铃木恭辅 酒卷光宏 金光宣明 井上伦宏 this drama is adapted from douban reading serial novel "there is a red house under the tree", author xiao ge. the town girl chen huaner moved to a big city with her parents and her family. she and her two newly met partners jing qichi and song cong went through all important nodes in life from high school to university to graduation. during this period, there are reading, outings,
actor:阿部宽 石田百合子 藤冈弘 the play tells the story of years of war. su fengzhi (played by fang jin), the legitimate daughter of tiansheng's general, has a prominent family background. but overnight, her father was accused of treason, married into the ninth prince's mansion and was pregnant and died mysteriously, and the su family was executed. su fengzhi escaped by chance and later changed his appearance and became the "blind girl" piano player su 青野武 难波圭一 富永美伊奈 今野宏美 饭塚昭三 玄田哲章 my movie history 小山力也 中田让治 立木文彦 稻田彻 田中完 宗矢树赖 坂口候一 金光宣明 宫内尊宽 樱井日菜 佐佐木启夫 太斋宽子 田丸裕臣 every time kikuka resists, she faces a more violent storm, and yosuke gives her the courage to break through the shackles. yue niang is the crystallization of the two of them. in the dark, yue niang repeats her mother's fate again. is the fate that falls from the sky lucky or unfortunate? the sea changes, longing is like a swallow, the inspirational legend of chinese women, and the history of the fate of the three generations of nyonya. all 27 episodes 松井尚吾 宫村聪史 山崎健太郎 桐本拓哉 大塚周夫