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front pagemy husband died in battle, she raised two sons and one daughter, the best in the capital
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front pagemy husband died in battle, she raised two sons and one daughter, the best in the capital
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front pagemy husband died in battle, she raised two sons and one daughter, the best in the capital
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verification code杨伟伦 麦沛东 苏玉华 周文健 林海峰 叶蕴仪 龙小菌 蔡紫晴 邵仲衡 朱柏谦 杨诗敏 庄韵澄 陈桂芬 as long as i am the first to be bankrupt, who will still pursue the school beauty? 黄宇诗 钟雪莹 邱万城 refresh the page 黄华和 张凯娸 王雍泰 柯驿谊 梁雍婷
改编自2013年一宗轰动全港的“逆子弑亲案”,张显宗(杨伟伦 饰)联同友人唐文奇 (麦沛东 饰) 于寓所内杀害父母,并进行肢解。案件进入法庭审讯程序,二人皆否认谋杀罪名,两位资深大律师吴冠峰(林海