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actor:(decoration) the colleagues in the same class are still fighting for their teaching ideals regardless of their own efforts in the face of limited resources. in the new school year, continue to play with hilarious genes. 木村佳乃 安藤政信 椎名桔平 永濑正敏 远藤宪一 成宫宽贵 菅野美穗 石桥莲司 actor:
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21世纪中期,由于温室效应,南北极冰川融化,地球上很多城市被淹没。此时,人类科技已经高度发达,人工智能机器人就是人类发明出来用以应对恶劣自然环境的科技手段之一,而且,机器人制造技术已经高度发达,先进的机器人不但拥有可以乱真的人类外表,还能感知自身的存在。 莫妮卡的儿子马丁重病住院,生命危在旦夕,为了缓解伤痛的心情,她领养了机器人小孩大卫(海利•recommend •奥斯蒙特 饰),大卫的生存使命就是爱她。马丁苏醒,恢复健康,回到了家里,一系列的事情使大卫“失宠”,最后被莫妮卡抛弃。 在躲过机器屠宰场的残酷追杀后,大卫在
state:episode 10
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夜晚的纽约,当地警方联手日本警察正在秘密追踪一起跨国毒品犯罪活动。作为纽约警方这次行动负责人的是日本籍刑警高仓奏(小栗旬 饰),与来自日本警视厅的刑警工藤丸尾(水岛宏 饰)共同合作,最终案件未能捕获组
actor:成宫宽贵 jared harris 古手川祐子 the story takes place in a super-large company called lumon. a new technology called memory cleavage is being experimented internally. employees who underwent the surgery will undergo personality separation surgery to form the company's personality and daily personality. this bold experiment of "balanced work and life" has been questioned. staff horse
大须秀成(成宫宽贵 饰)是一名平凡的大学生,整日里过着无所事事的平淡日子。一次偶然之中,秀城结识了名为吉竹额子(内田有纪 饰)的二十七岁女子,两人很快就发生了关系。尽管面对额子的热情和奔放,秀城常常会
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actor:sort if it cannot play, please refresh the page or switch the line. in 2018, a high school girls' soccer team from new jersey high school, called the hornets, headed to seattle to compete in the national championships, and their private plane crashed into the depths of the unmanned wilderness while flying over canada. the surviving players eventually survived in the wild for 19 months. after 25 years, bear it 成宫宽贵 榎木孝明 netizen comments 甲本雅裕 amnesia doctor 生濑胜久
本剧讲述了正直的银行职员花咲舞与上司一同组成临店班,解决银行分行所出现各种状况的故事。 第二季中,成宫宽贵出演的角色是对女主角抱有兴趣,本身也十分正直热血的银行职员松木启介,看到花咲舞为了自己分行的问
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另 one个译名是:世上的另 one个我。小松奈奈(宫崎葵饰)要去见男朋友,在通往东京的火车上,她遇到了另 one个Nana——大崎娜娜(中岛美嘉饰),娜娜希望去东京重组Black Stone乐队。两个nana one
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