in superman policepreparation teamahisland team membersthe reasontownship,some citizens witnessed itstripthe ancient village is therebetweenoutnow,instantlybetweensuddenly disappeared... according to research, it may be an alientransportuse the energy of "get the strange particles" to makehourempty generationchangeto transform the old village that has become a historical villagevillageheavynowin front of you, thehourlight backflownowlike... an old man in the village hasseveralmagicalshell injurymark,hourlight flows backwardsthisan old manbringgo back to history, revealopena series of touching past events... the back of the male protagonist in the storyabandonedswear, never return,nowit's the heroinereportrecoveredhourwait aaa。 aliens andthiswhat is the storycloseme? seven starsheroso whatrightalien?
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