after living in france, theo returned to thailand to study at his father's school. living in thailand once again gave his environment a fresh look, but he did make a friend Ak。 theo found a book in the library that welcomed him, and the author signed the " Enchante”, in french, it means "i'm glad to see you". theo was curious about this charming guy and told him Ak this matter. Ak the situation was exposed soon, and the four guys came forward to claim that they were Enchante。 theo will successfully guess who is the real one among the 4 guys who claim to be him Enchanteddd AfterlivinginFrance,TheocomesbacktoThailandtostudyathisfather'sschool.LivinginThailandonceagainmakeshissurroundingsnew,buthedoesmakeonefriend,Ak.Theofindsabookinthelibrarythatwelcomeshim,andthewritersignsEnchanté,whichmeans"nicetomeetyou"inFrench.TheobecomescuriousaboutwhothisEnchantéguyisandtellsAkaboutit.Akquicklyexposesthesituation,andfourguyscomeforwardclaimingthattheyareEnchanté. WillTheosuccessfullyguesswhoisthelegitEnchantéamongthe4guysclaimingtobehim?
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