emperorreturnit's as usualsampledon't go to court,dragonnot on the chairsee the dragonthe civil and military officials can only look forward to itdragonchairremoteworship, the major affairs in the court will be carried out by prime minister cui and eunuch qin.see ccc。 the second emperorgrandpatouching the emperorendthe day is in deeppalaceimmerse my wine and sex, ignore the government affairs, sit downsee the slander controls the politicsserving.the emperor isharemevery night, singing, indulging in the wine pond, meat forest, whitelotusmasterguyuncheng is determined to overthrow the foolish monarch and sends out powerful disciplesmoneya book and a girlsonfurong assassinates the dog emperor.twomasked nightbreak告palaceassassinate the stupidnonea wise emperor, nightcoming from insidethe emperor'sshocksay... something is wrong, something is wrong ~eunuch qin and prime minister cui stealreadif the emperor is unaware of ithourofleftoveryes, he actually asked the emperor topetluckilylikeconcubinezheng guiconcubine, seedlingsexpensiveconcubine, and close ministers, eunuch qin, prime minister cui,liubigstudyscholarwith zhangthe lieutenant was buried with him.liubigstudyscholarwith zhangall the lieutenantsforcivil and military loyal ministers, naturewillingi am willing to accompany the emperor to go with youyellowspring. butgreedythe queen who fears death,andalwayslove the rightthe big guysupervisioneunuch qin, dagreedythe prime minister cui was willing to be buried with him, and the three of them discussed itpersonal rightsgood forcount,it's the peoplebetweenfind oneone longpeople who look similar to the emperorenter the palace,pretend to be the emperor. thisliftonecomehewecan be exempted from burialtransport,twocomecan also "hostthe emperor takes ordervarioushou”, control the fake emperor! emperorpalacehighwallthere is insideindivualthe emperor lay in the cold basement, unconscious,walloutside the marketbuthaveone longthe same as the emperorsamplepeople are running aroundchaosjump. he is he tiankeep,onesampleoffacehole,butthere is a world of difference in life. after all, the beggar he tianmaintenance andwhat is the emperorcloseme? in himknowit'spoor booksli shangwenhesellthe woman who buried her father in the world, xiaoliafter that, it willhow to showopenheweoneevenstory of unprecedented adventuresriskjourney…
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