when the last season ended, Vic it has already reached the brink of desperate situation; Shane need the help of armenian gangsters, and completely escaped the inside story of their robbery of the gang's armored car, which made Vic the family was hunted by armenian gangs; he also faced the final committee's review, and his position was not bbb。 but the last life-saving straw was discovered, and the invasion of mexican gang forces caused Vic and Aceveda come together again and accidentally get a box of mexican gang-controlled companies Pezuela collected inside information about senior farmington area cadres. in the new season, Vic with the mexican gangster Pezuela the company is the main focus; and how to deal with it and shane the relationship between armenian gangs has not been resolved; Vic if you return to the police force, who will be more members? don't know the old enemy ForestWhitaker will the prosecutor who plays the role return this season? Dutch and Danielle will it be better? all kinds of conflicts and entanglements.
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