《black money resort season 3: six months have passed, the casino has opened, but marty and wendy are still in charge of the family's fate bbb。 marty advocates maintaining the status quo. wendy has formed an alliance with helen and drug lord oma navalo and plans to take advantage of the situation to expand. but when wendy's younger brother came to town, everyone's life was in chaos. the new season's starring includes emmy winner jason bateman, emmy winner laura linney, emmy winner julia garner, emmy nominee jenny mcteill, tom pyforry, sophia hublitz, skyler gartner, charlie tahan, lisa emory emery and jessica francis dukes. this one comes from MRCTelevision the series was created by bill dubuick and mark williams, and they also served as executive producers with jason bateman, chris mundy and john schban.
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