katherine heiger (《grey's anatomy" "national affairs and family affairs" )join "suit" season 8, serving as a resident actor, playing an opponent with gabriel macht aaa。 previously, the show has announced the prospective princess megan markle and patrick mil J· neither adams will return. heiger will play SamanthaWheeler, yes PearsonSpecterLitt the new partner of the law firm, she is talented and will challenge the status quo, either becoming the company's biggest ally or the most powerful enemy. the tone of the plot will also change, and previously focused on macht's role HarveySpecter played by adams MikeRoss the male relationship between them will now be replaced by other elements. the original castaway sarah laffetti, rick hoffman and others will return, and duller hill, who joined the latest season as a regular star, will also return. season 8 will start filming in toronto in april and is expected to be aired at the end of the year.
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