seven years ago, sun hwa (sung hyun-e) was the daughter of hyun-joon (kim tae-woo). bbb。 wen hao (played by liu zhitai) is xianjun's junior, and wen hao has always had a crush on xuanhua. soon xianjun went abroad to study, and xuanhua and wenhao started dating, but in the end they were unable to get together. xianjun returned to china after finishing his studies and became a director. he found wen hao, who was teaching in college, to reunite. at this time, wen hao had already started a family and established a house. during the narrative, they gradually talked about their past love - xuanhua. they all wanted to see xuanhua again, so the two decided to look for xuanhua together. while searching for an old love together, the two men began to compete in their hearts again.
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