in the 1930s, xu congliang, a puppet manchukuo policeman who was outstanding in ability, witty and courage, but without firm belief, won the trust of jin ronggui, the director of the police department, with his outstanding ability to solve the case. on the other hand, out of his admiration for guan haidan, the chief of the criminal section of the police department, helped guan haidan to turn danger into safety again and again, and fought side by side with guan haidan in many actions and grew up to be a real communist party. aaa。白家小姐白秀珠(刘亦菲饰)出身名门,对金燕西情有独钟。燕西一方面忍受不了白秀珠的小姐脾气,另一方面他知道金家与白家都有激烈的权力冲突,所以对白秀珠爱理不理。直到他偶遇了出身寒微的女学生冷清秋(董洁饰),燕西对清秋一见钟情,继而展开了激烈的追求。自由恋爱的新思潮跟封建传统观念产生了冲突,克服了一切困难后,燕西还是跟清秋结婚了。白秀珠深感不甘,一场三角情感的纠缠就此开始。婚后的清秋深觉嫁入豪门的不易,钩心斗角的事情让本来单纯的她倍感压力,与丈夫的处事方式也有了很大的分歧。最后面对燕西的出轨,清秋心灰意冷……
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