the story background describes the birth of tuyudoorthe boy at home - tu yudoorspring tiger househairthe week of birthsurroundingthing ddd。 iwillingidealforyour shikigami has always been with youside,foreverfarsaveprotectionyou were a long time ago, a young boyrightthe girl decidedaboutdetermined, in himreturndon't know "willcome"the meaning ofrighteousbefore ─passgo to the big oneduring wartimethe japanese emperorthe national armylet the spellart fortuneused inmilitaryre-established in the matteryin and yangdoor, and send a postlegendmiddleonmyojiabe haraki'sbackdescendant, earthly kingdoorhomewhenthe genius of the familyonmyojitu yudoorluminousloadappointcommander,successconfirmmaking a japanese mantratechniquethe reform of the world has becomefor the presentagendatechniquefather. bigwarthe end,whereatdefeatthe emperornational armyneutral light requiredrealitygoodregulationmodel spellartifactto restore the gamestrong,butknotfruitinstrumentloss of expressiondefeat,not just doingfor thethe walker's luminous light died,still strongstrongdisturbcapitaleastbeijingaura,makeeastthe night walk of the ghosts in beijing, the demonic charmvertical and horizontal.untilafter the warit'syin and yang after the warrenamed laoyin-yang hall, responsible departmentprotect all over japan -mainlyeastbeijing -hairbornspiritforcedisasterharmful. tu yudoorchunhu isindivualbirth of the land of the lorddoorthe boy at home,althoughbodyfor onmyojinamebehind the doorgeneration,but海海no onmyojia talent at all,passthe life of ordinary people. a certain summer, a spring tiger meetsseehis childhood playmate is also a tu yudoorthe next job of homewhennatsume, a girl from home.passgo to zeng yunchengpromisenowbutwalking in a different waytwopeople, at this momentseeofback,tu yudoorhistory ofopenbeginningrotateit's gone,beginningstart to lead himcollargot topassgo to the placeseenot arrivedcomeyes, chargefullthe twists and turnscome",in the darknessfloatdancecrows,beyondhouremptyyin and yangfantasy!
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