shen zhenzhu came from a famous family and was elected as the concubine of king li yu of guangping. she gave birth to her eldest son, emperor dezong of tang, li shi, and was later named emperor rui zhen by li shi. aaa。 she was just a jiangnan woman with a kind heart, a country in her heart, and was kind to others. during the anshi rebellion, she only wanted to stay in chang'an to advance and retreat together with the people, and was respected by the people of chang'an. although there was a general mo yanchu who pursued him in the separation, he still insisted on his love for li yu. after the tang dynasty recovered chang'an, the scattered people were not allowed to enter the palace, but li yu was determined to take zhenzhu back. zhenzhu put prince li yu's future first and returned to the people. later, li yu searched many places, but zhenzhu was never willing to enter the palace, but only wanted to fulfill li yu. with her talent and excellent qualities of being good at books and her excellent qualities, she won li yu's unforgettable life for her. she is not luxurious, and she assists in the harem with the word "he" and knows the sufferings of the people. a generation of talented women, shen zhenzhu, made certain historical contributions to the development of the mid-tang dynasty.
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