回过神来,我只身一人站在地平线的中央。环顾身边,没有任何的建筑物和人影。束手无策地踱步之时,突然矗立在身后的「黄昏旅店」…那是,存在于生与死之间的旅店。为什么无法动弹?为什么……是我?――if the content included in this website infringes your rights, please attach an instruction to contact the email address and this website will deal with it as soon as possible.
now that the makeover has been reborn, he is acting in los angeles with the most powerful clients. and his law firm is facing a crisis, in order to survive,
志名坂高次原作漫画《冻of ~the lives of four garden club members are intertwined by scandals, mischiefs and a shared secret – a murder that no one wants to bring. ~》(凍of ~裏レートavengers ~)宣布改编为电视动画