in the suburbsdistrictonebetweenunsecretwindin the secret room, lightwireso weakseveralcan't make it straight bbb。onerightthe man and the woman were unconscious on the ground, while the man was stabbed in a knife...; the woman firstsuawakecome over,shediscover the doorquiltlock.shefrom the door crackmiddlediscoverit'sdoorthere is a place outsidestrip doorbut she failed to putdoorpull the key backcome.manendwake upcome overhe felt painremaindon't forgetfearafraid. wordlanguageit turns outdiscoverlost each other, toomemory! thismaketwohumanbetweensuspicion has increasedundecreased.empty roomgascrosscomethe fewer, the womangraduallylosing her mind, shedecisioni must pull out the knife on the man's body and put it outdoorretrieve the key,knotif she succeeded!twopeople walk in the opposite directionlanshandileavehousebetween. latermandiscoveri'm beingtiethe target character of the frame! he is morediscovera young woman on the groundcorpse,he remembered that she was his girlfriend, and the man had to go back most of itmemory,he pointed out that the woman wastiebandit, the woman is reallytiebanditis it?
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