after eight years of the war of resistance against japan and the civil war between the kuomintang and the communist party, the ancient land of china finally ushered in the dawn. as a national financial center, shanghai in 1949 was surrounded by joy. aaa。 however, behind the celebration, the kuomintang, who did not dare to lose, sent a large number of spies to sneak into shanghai, attempting to carry out sabotage activities while the regime was not stable. among them, the secret agency's spy organization, lieutenant general chen gongpeng (played by qian yanqiu), was the most attentive. he instructed the spies, profiteers and the qing gang to speculate on silver dollars and print counterfeit money, causing great damage to the financial markets in shanghai and even the whole country. to this end, the shanghai military control commission began to implement an iron-scale action to rectify the economy, and yan shuangying (played by zhang zijian), the battalion commander of the special column of the communist party of china, was ordered at this time.
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