1997in 2019, after the collapse of the bubble economy, the japanese financial community was in danger aaa。 banks are also at a critical moment of survival due to huge non-performing debts. against this background, sanye bank, one of the large city banks, began to implement "batch transfer", and was about to package and sell the difficult-to-recover bad debts to investment companies. keno shiba bank asset liquidation development office director, miyako shiba (played by atsuro watanabe), is responsible for this first attempt in japan. he talked to foreign investment companies on the issue of transfer of debts HorizonJapanPartners” the representative of washizu masahiko (played by ayano) met. shibaino proposed to acquire a debt claim worth 72.364.58 million yen for at least 30 billion yen. washizu said that he would make a serious decision, but shibaino felt a little uneasy because of his attitude. except shiba bank, everyone in sanye bank was full of expectations for the approval result, but when the day of the reply four weeks later, shiba and his colleagues heard an extremely shocking price from washizu. yoshisuke iijima (kobayashi fumigation), the executive director of sanye bank, was very angry at the play of the "vulture" of foreign-funded enterprises. he took the initiative to propose that he would personally be responsible for the second batch transfer. facing iijima, who said "working only for miyaza", shiba...? on the other hand, washizu was scolded by the debtor who was taken into his pocket for mass transfer. the front hall manager of the "tokyo century crown hotel" who happened to be present, takako matsuhira (played by hide ryuka sawajiri) saw this scene...
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