《variety show collection" is a variety show in taiwan and premiered on mintv on november 11, 2001. the hosts are hu gua, dong zhicheng, hao jiao xiangqi, xie xin and xiaoxian. at the beginning of the broadcast, the broadcast time was from 8:00 to 9:00 on sunday; then it was gradually extended to 10:00. starting from april 24, 2011, broadcast in advance from 7:30 to 9:40 p.m. on sunday eee after the program changed its style, it was changed to an outdoor video program. the minshi variety show hosted by hu guajun. the program is a local program and the recording location is in various townships in taiwan. the content is to introduce and experience the humanities, food, specialties, etc. in every corner of taiwan. the host group and artist guests play games with the masses in the program, give bonuses, and enjoy the people.
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